January 15, 2010

Assignment 2

assignment 2 - color. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

this assignment was our color challenge. thats why some images are in color and some in black and white. these pictures were taken in manhatten, new york.

the images above were taken from the solaire's green roof. the solaire is one of new york's fully sustainable residential high rises.

the images above were taken from one of the tallest stories of the hearst building. the hearst building is new york's most environmentally friendly office building.

Assignment 1

assignment 1. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

for our first assignment of the semester we were told to take pictures of whatever we wanted. since i was in charlestown for a field trip i decided to take images of the beautiful town. the skyline image is of boston, i took it from one of the floors of the liberty hotel. the image of the black like circles is actually a picture looking into a glass bowl of black marbles.

Assignment 3

assignment 3 - movement. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

the assignment this week was take images of movement. it starts with water and then ends with my favorite, the escalators at providence place mall.

Assignment 4

assignment 4 - portrait. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

for this week we were assigned to take images of people, i would say this was the hardest week for me. portraits are hard!

Assignment 5

assignment 5 - still life. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

this was my favorite assignment. we were to take still like images.

Assignment 6

assignment 6. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

this week was the week of halloween so our assignment was to produce images that appear scary or mysterious. another option of the assignment was to produce a composite image; to put more than one image together. the last image is a composite image.

Assignment 7

assignment 7. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

for this assignment, we were told to take pictures like we were documenting a story. i chose a mystery scene. each image makes up a whole documentation of a scene, use your imagination.

Assignment 8

assignment 8 - multi image composition. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

the assignment for this week as to take nine images or more and compose them together on one layout. for the first image, i took many pictures of my dorm room and scattered them together, i named this picture "organized chaos". the other two images are a set, they both tell a story about a passionate red sox fan!

Final Assignment

final portfolio. first semester sophomore year. intro to photography. by, amanda veliotis

for our final assignment, we were allowed to take pictures of anything we wanted. i chose a local airport in my hometown. the building had recently caught on fire so i thought it would be a really interesting site to photograph.